Friday, June 26, 2009

Jolly..jolly day...

I love teaching, seriously. The most thing that I love is class discipline. It's very satisfying when the pupils are well-mannered and in control.

What did I do during the first class?

I came in and introduce myself.
I put on a very serious face.
I stared into each pupils' eyes.
I spoke loudly and clearly about the do's and donts.
I set a rule: LL (double L) means: when I talk/teach in front the pupils have to LOOK and LISTEN. No writting or speaking.
Any question raise up your right hand and put your left index finger near your mouth. (because they like "Teacher, teacher, teacher,teacher...."

I know that it sounds very cruel towards these kids. But, it works in one condition.


1. If anyone volunteer to answer and get the answer correct, the class need to do the "CLEVER CLAP": Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Soooooooo clever!(Pointing to the pupil)

2. If anyone volunteer to answer and get the answer wrong, the class need to support/motivate him by doing TRY CLAP: Clap! Clap! Try try again.(Pointing to the pupil)

I can be very strict in class and shout too, but I try my best not to forget to say "THANK YOU [PUPILS NAME]", "VERY GOOD", "IT'S OK, TRY AGAIN", and give a smiley for the person.

A smiley?

Yesss, I forgot to tell you that I divided the class into 5 groups, each groups is named after 5 famous university: UM, USM, UKM, UPM and UTM.

I put up the names on the board and each time the pupil can answer correctly, they get a smiley beside their names.

At the end of my 12 weeks practicum, I will reward the winner with a special present.

Well, they seemed to be thrilled with this system and when I asked them " Which university do you want to go?" They'd say the name of university of their group. The purpose is to instill a vision in these kids that "I want to go to university".

I'm lucky that until now, the 4A3 class is well-discipline and mannered. Alhamdulillah.....